“A bit of advice… come up with a title for your blog post that is purposely misleading and intended to trick prospective readers into thinking what follows is interesting and vital to their existence.” ~ John Langan, Guru
That noise you hear is the creaking of my rusty knuckles… crying out in pain as I attack my keyboard to produce my first blog post in almost two years.
Yeah, I haven’t been doing much writing. I have a bunch of excuses but no good ones. Work has been keeping me busy, and because much of my daily thoughts are about politics I’ve grown tired of wallowing in negativity and dealing with the unfortunate people that disagree with my unparalleled logic.
I’ve been writing in this space since May of 2013. Looking for some inspiration for this new post, I decided to read some of my old ones. Yes. I look for inspiration from myself – my ego is that meta-human!
This blog has always been something of a diary for me… organizing thoughts that have always been unorganized, and sometimes still crave to be. Reading through this diary did a few things for me, but mostly confirmed that my life is pretty damn good. I’ve got a great family and many great friends. And even though I am sometimes critical of it – I live in a wonderful city and country. Despite some down turns, I’m in a good place.
Some old posts also made me sad, as I remembered my parents and others loved and lost. But I was happy to make myself laugh, cry and appreciate.
I was pleased that I felt comfortable in other posts to address a wide range of subjects – politics, music, sports, marketing, etc. It made me realize that, for me, writing is the sincerest form of expression. So I’m glad to be back at it… hopefully! There are tons of things I’d like to revisit and share my awesome opinions. And my world has changed much in the last two years – new career path, pushing 60, and I’m a grandfather. There is no lack of content to share, so we’ll see what I spew.
So I’ll kick off John J. Langan blog post number 91 – my resurgence – with this tasty bit of “knowledge”:
The infinite monkey theorem states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.
So Romeo and Juliet walk into a bar…