Trump America


“Naturally the common people don’t want war… All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.” ~ Hermann Göring at Nuremberg

A couple of months ago I posted on Facebook about Donald Trump… saying that I hoped he stayed around for a while because he was ridiculously funny. It was a joke.

I’ve never regretted anything I’ve written more.

20150807cover1800-x-2400The state of American politics is at an all-time low, and it is being driven straight into the ground by Trump. He has no discernible platform, and his speeches are just rants that have no direction. To the Republican Party he has been a nuisance who won’t go away. But now, it’s clear that his presence threatens the entire party and they are in a panic.

A lot can happen in the next few months, but what if he wins the nomination? I shudder to think of what could happen after that.

A decade ago I read a novel by Phillip Roth entitled “The Plot Against America”. In this book Roth imagined an alternate history where FDR lost his presidential bid in 1940 to Charles Lindbergh. Roth imagines a world where Lindbergh fully acts on his rumored Nazi party sympathies and helps create an America gripped with fear and antisemitism. Clearly fiction, but we should all be happy that none of those scenarios were ever realized.

The current rise of Donald Trump made me think of that book, and the early rise of the Nazi Party. In the 1930’s, Hitler and his goons longed to create the 1,000 Year Reich because of their hatred of Jews and their need to dominate. They succeeded mostly because of the fear of anyone to challenge them. I seriously doubt that in America in 2015 we could reach that state of insanity, but to me the comparisons are obvious.

I wonder what Trump thinks of America, and if he knows that we are a nation of immigrants. For that matter, does he realize that all three of his wives are immigrants?

trump-hatI wonder if the Pilgrims would be welcome in Trump’s America. Or Albert Einstein. Or Henry Kissinger. Or, someone more Donald’s speed, Arnold Schwarzenegger. And I wonder if he would have supported my Mother coming to his America… an Irish Catholic from Belfast whose brother spent a small amount of time in the IRA.

Who is Donald Trump? This is my simple answer… He’s a swindler. He is creating this persona for himself that, at the end of it all, just wants your money. He doesn’t want to be President of the United States and have all that responsibility. He doesn’t have the chops and he knows it. But Trump dearly wants to be the very public critic of whoever is in power. That will make him a boatload of money in books, interviews and speeches. Obviously he doesn’t need the money, and he clearly is bored making billions in real estate or whatever. One look at an episode of “The Apprentice” will show you the hungriest ego on the planet. Watch him now in the campaign, as people applaud and scream his name. He is practically orgasmic.

He is also a daily embarrassment to our country. Trump has hidden his true agenda, but he hasn’t been clever enough to hide what fills his heart… hate and fear. He’s a liar and a racist. He’s attacked women, Mexican immigrants, Syrian refugees, Blacks and now, a physically challenged reporter… who’s next?

Me, probably. Let the tweets about that fat blogger begin!!

It is beyond my comprehension how anyone supports Donald Trump. Maybe that says more about our country than anything by the man himself. But from where I sit, he is a candidate whose every policy and opinion are opposite of what makes our country great. I know you’re out there, please educate me.

Trump will never have my vote. Why the hell does he have yours?


My Mind’s Eye

I was sitting at a family get-together about fifteen years ago, and I took a good look at my parents across the room. For some reason I really studied them that day, and was a bit of a surprise to me that they had aged so much… that the vision I had in my head was of long ago, when they were younger and more vital.

Both of them passed in hospice some years later. The last time I saw them they were sick, and haggard. But still – in my mind’s eye – they are smiling, laughing and full of life.

I’m beginning to think this happens with your children as well…

Tomorrow, my niece Stephanie gets married… my sister’s daughter. She is the first of this generation of my family to make that leap. My son got engaged last week, so that ball is rolling now.

At the wedding rehearsal last night, I was watching all of the young people… the bride and groom, the groomsmen and bridesmaids… all smiles and excited in what the next days would bring.

Later, at the wonderful rehearsal dinner I realized something else. The father of the groom made a wonderful speech about his son’s choice in a bride, and how proud he was of his choices in life. Later, my brother-in-law did the same… standing in front of us, so emotional. Mostly talking about how proud he is of his little girl.

The happy couple, Stephanie and James, are adults. But to their parents and all of us old fogies, they are still the little kids we watched grow up. In our collective mind’s eye, they will remain that way forever.

Damn… I dread the speeches I will have to make for my sons!

My niece has honored me with a small role in the ceremony tomorrow. I am charged with remembering the people close to them who could not share this happy day. I am very sure that when I say those names, all in attendance will remember them and see them vibrant, and full of life.

In their mind’s eye.

Keeping with this theme, these are photos I’ve taken of Stephanie over the years. She will be so beautiful tomorrow… like she has been her entire life.

Enough Is Enough

“Somehow this has become routine.” ~ President Obama

OregonI’ve been watching the Oregon school shooting coverage all night, and I’m sick to my stomach. Sick of the NRA, gun lobbyists and everyone supporting them and turning a blind eye. I’m sick of people manipulating the words in the constitution to support their own warped beliefs.

And I’m sick of our government officials – including our President – who lack the common sense, courage, conviction and – let’s just say it – the balls to do what is right. Strap a pair on…

Typically, I don’t take political or ideological stands in a public forum. I’d rather facilitate conversation, listen to the various viewpoints and walk down the middle of the road. But damn…

Enough is enough.

I remember very vividly after the Connecticut school shootings… just hours later. A friend did something I thought was very strange. He posted a photo of the various parts and accessories of an AK-47 assault rifle on Facebook. I should point out that he is a good guy, with children and grandchildren. But I was stunned, not by the agenda but by the insensitivity.

I silently asked… “What was the point you are trying to make? Did I completely miscalculate how much of an asshole you are?” What I should have asked was, “What if it was your child?”

Enough is enough.

If you disagree, feel free to comment below. Skew those numbers and statistics. Defend the indefensible… Have at it. Post those “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” bullshit memes you think are so clever.

And after that, feel free to disconnect with me. I no longer want that negativity. But please say goodbye, so I know exactly the kind of person you really are.

Peace and love…

PS… I wrote this on my phone at 2:00am, after binge watching CNN. Apologies if it is a bit disjointed. But it needed to get out…

Conversing All-Stars

“Inject a few raisins of conversation into the tasteless dough of existence.” ~ O. Henry

I just spent a weekend talking. Well, not just talking… I listened too! I also smiled and laughed. I asked questions, and answered some. I was communicating, and it was exhilarating.

phonechatThere has been lots of lamenting about the death of conversation caused by the proliferation of mobile technology, social media and other distractions. I’ve certainly beat that drum while observing a table full of people at a restaurant, heads buried in there iPhones. And truthfully, I’ve sometimes been guilty – see last month’s post. I have wondered about future generations lacking the skills necessary for basic communication, and I hope it isn’t too late to save them. I think that smartphone use proliferated quite rapidly, and etiquette simply didn’t have time to adjust. But all things are cyclical, and a rebound is coming. Conversation will be back in a big way… I know it!

This big talking weekend was a couple of days at the beach with longtime friends. My wife and I have tackled adulthood with Mark and his wife, Christine. Together with our group of friends we have celebrated weddings, welcomed our children and seen them grow, graduate and start families of their own. We’ve also mourned death of friends and family members. This is what good friends share. But like many friends, we get together infrequently… and certainly not for chunks of time like this weekend.

The setting was ripe, and distractions were minimal. We spent about nine hours over the two days just sitting on the sand. No one said that we couldn’t look at our phones, we just didn’t that much. We watched a football game on Saturday night, but listened to each other instead of the announcers. Then a movie after, with our running commentary being much funnier than the dialogue in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Danke Schoen, very much…

We touched on some lofty topics, and beat some straight into the ground. We made some serious headway planning our funerals. We discussed the upcoming Papal visit in Philadelphia and the power of Pope Francis’ blessings. (FYI, they go infinitely far out in whatever direction he flings them).

We discussed music, “our” music versus today’s. Their son and recent Drexel grad blinded us with science and migratory patterns of shore birds. We marvelled at the beach restoration project still going on in Sea Isle City, post Hurricane Sandy. We even waxed on politics, trying unsuccessfully to Trump each other. We also discussed the merits of the “everything” bagel (despite the above O. Henry quote), and how to brew the perfect cup of tea… it’s not as easy as you think!

We may have gossipped a little. Yes… it was you we were talking about!

ConverseOn Sunday morning I got up early – as usual – figuring I would go to the living room and read. Christine had the same idea… I found her enjoying a cup of coffee and her open book. We are both reading the new novel by Harper Lee, but neither of us cracked it open. Instead we discussed that story, her first novel, the characters, etc. That led us to grander topics like racism, and the preference of e-readers to actual paper books. It was a hour of great conversation and coffee… we talked about coffee too!!! Good craic, with a fine Irish lassie.

Needless to say, it was fine weekend… one I hope to repeat with these folks and many others. As much as possible. As a wise philosopher once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” I have many distractions these days, so many balls in the air. More often than not, it’s a good idea to slow down the pace of your world and just talk. And listen. The setting doesn’t matter… just enjoy the company.

What’s The Big Idea?

I’ve recently been watching the television show “Shark Tank”. If you aren’t familiar, the show introduces entrepreneur contestants to several high-profile investors, hoping they will back their product or business.

The show is a very entertaining and compact look at how deals can get done given the right ideas and circumstances. I especially like it because of the entrepreneur’s commitment and enthusiasm for the products, and their absolute belief that it is a worthy investment.

Some of the strangest ideas in history became huge winners… like Snuggies, or the Singing Fish, or the Pet Rock. I remember years ago thinking that someone, somewhere came up with the idea for the cocktail umbrella, and probably reaped millions for the invention. Why can’t I come up with something? Anything?

During quiet moments lying in bed or on long drives, we’ve all fantasized about having that “big” idea… an invention or product that everyone wants and needs. And , of course, will make a boatload of money! For many reasons, some ideas end up being bigger than others.

1SEn6BgcThe other day I had a short conversation with Bruce Wilson. He and his wife Erin are founders of If I Need Help, a non-profit organization that provides products and services that help reunite loved ones with those who might become lost or disoriented. These are people with autism, dementia, Alzheimer’s – anyone who might have problems communicating that they are lost, or where they live. If I Need Help provides a variety of products with a QR Code that contains contact information for the person’s caregiver.

qr-code-id-keychainThe company I work for has been providing the technology they use to make the various products – name tags, patches, t-shirts, key chains, etc.  I remember when Erin first contacted us a couple of years ago, and explained the idea. Their 13-year-old son Jay has moderate to severe Autism, with limited language ability. He had gotten lost in the past, so they came up with the idea out of concern and love for him. Their “system” provided a measure of security for him and greater peace of mind for them.

QR-code-id-shoeBruce and I were talking about the business relationship, how it all started and what it has become. He said something that resonated with me… “It was just a small idea because we wanted to help our son.” But it was a tremendous idea, and one that needs to be shared to help people in similar situations. There have been so many success stories, about people who have wandered and been quickly found.

It seems that I see an item in my social and news feeds every day about a challenged person who is lost or missing. I always think about Bruce and Erin, and I wonder if the products from If I Need Help could have assisted in finding these people.

Success can be measured in many ways. I fervently hope that If I Need Help becomes a hugely successful organization, and the good stories come by the thousands.  But I doubt that the Wilsons will be millionaires, and I’m sure they are not concerned.

But when you measure the success of an idea by how much you’ve helped people, Bruce and Erin are the richest people I know.

For more information about Bruce and Erin Wilson and If I Need Help, please go to their website – Read their story, make a donation, and/or spread the word!