Some Road Stories


People who don’t travel for business think it is glamorous, but the reality is that it mostly adds up to hundreds of so-so restaurants and ugly hotel rooms. I’m not saying I didn’t have some fun times and see some great things during my travels. Here are a few of my stories…

Chasing JFK – When I was travelling a lot, I would actually be in great locations about one in ten trips. Most of the trips were to small cities and towns, and getting there required a couple of planes and a long car ride. One of those was a three-day stay in Heber Springs AR, a small lakeside town that comes alive during the summer. However, my three-hour car ride brought me into the town’s very vacant Holiday Inn on a Sunday night in February.

39On the second day, I decided to take a drive around to see what’s what… something I did in most towns I visited. I discovered the Greer’s Ferry Dam and the lake it made, surrounded that day by beautiful but empty vacation homes. I learned that the dam was completed in 1962, and a plaque told me that it was dedicated in October of 1963 by President John F. Kennedy… his last major public appearance before Dallas, on November 22, 1963.

A few months later I travelled to Dallas, and went to Dealey Plaza. I was on the sidewalk, looking at the “X” in the street noting the spot where the President was fatally shot. I stood by the fence on the grassy knoll, and saw the viewpoint of the rumored second shooter. I looked in all directions from the spot where Abraham Zapruder shot his famous film footage. And I peered out the window of the Texas School Book Depository, with the same view that Oswald had that day.

Being Irish and Catholic, the President was a big deal in our family. My earliest childhood memory was the funeral on TV, and the somber mood of our home. I remember telling my Mom about both of these trips… about closing that loop, if you will.

In his speech at Greer’s Ferry Dam, President Kennedy said, “I take pride in coming here today. I know that 10 years from now, if we come back again, flying as we did over the land, that we will see an even richer State, and I think you can take pride and satisfaction in what you have done.”

That never happened.

Hotel Secrets – Years ago, I figured out that one of the best ways to get a good hotel room deal is to book through a convention. When I travel to a big city, I go to the convention center website and book a room through whatever organization is in town during my stay. I got some really great deals on hotels in Las Vegas, New Orleans and Orlando over the years, even during peak tourist seasons.

AKAShow organizers never check room reservations against those registered for a convention, so I’ve piggy-backed into some great deals using events like martial arts championships, car dealer conventions, rodeos, etc.

My crowning achievements were booking rooms during a gynecologist conference in Las Vegas (registered as “Doctor” Langan), and the North Atlantic Regional Conference of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority – the nation’s first Greek-letter sorority for women of color. It was a great two days at the Borgata in Atlantic City, hanging with my “sisters”!

The Nighttime, Sniffling, Sneezing… Blah Blah Blah – During the first year I was travelling, the longest I had been on a plane was four hours. So you can imagine my trepidation about an upcoming trip from Los Angeles to Australia – a whopping seventeen hours! I had never used medicinal sleep aids, but I asked my doctor for help. He suggested, with a wry smile, that I have a cocktail when I get to the airport. Then when I’m on the plane, have another. And when I’m ready to go to sleep, take a normal dose of NyQuil.

simpsonsSo I did the cocktail portion… obviously easy. An hour into the flight, the cabin lights dim for the in-flight movie – the same crap film that I watched on my way to L.A. the day before! Time for the NyQuil to work its magic, so I down my shot and close my eyes.

When I woke up and saw the movie credits scrolling, I was so pissed that I thought I was going to explode. It took a few minutes to get my bearings, and discover from a fellow passenger that I was seeing the credits for the FOURTH movie – and one of them was “Titanic”! My sore back and stiff neck confirmed that I had been sleeping for almost ten hours, and that sweet, cherry elixir was the reason why!

Although I was still annoyed that I had missed Leo and Kate, I learned a valuable lesson that day – I always have some NyQuil ready for those long flights. You should too… I have P&G stock!

Travelogue – I’ve done a lot of business travel over the years, mostly between 1995 and 2001. I was on the road about forty weeks per year during that period and it was a tough grind. But I look back now at those trips and I’m very grateful to have been afforded the opportunity and trust from the company I worked for… not to mention the loads of frequent flyer miles and hotel points!

Taken by John Langan – after much PhotoShop…

Thus far (with personal and business travel), I’ve spent at least one night in 46 of our 50 states and visited nine other countries. I did go to a bunch of very small towns, and some gave me some neat experiences… seeing Boot Hill in Dodge City, touring the Louisville Slugger plant and the Jack Daniels distillery in Lynchburg, TN. I’ve been to sporting venues and events all over the country, including two U.S. Opens, a few times at the Masters and a surfing championship at Hawaii’s Bonzai Pipeline.

And I’ve had some completely astounding, moving moments… sitting on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, gazing at Monet’s Water Lilies at Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris, and solemnly standing above the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor… a place I wanted to see since I was a boy.

At each of these places, I have asked myself… “How did I get here?” I don’t take for granted that I have been very fortunate… to see so much of our beautiful country, in this wonderful world. But there is more to see, and other stories to tell.

Glance Links – January 2015


Just some marketing stuff that caught my eye recently… lots of talk about balance – in business and life! If you have any that you would like to pass on, please share!


Does Posting More Content Lead to More Engagement? – The big bass drums have been beating for several years now… Boom! Boom! Create More Content! Boom! Boom! They’ve been drowning out the tiny tom-toms that have been trying to tell us that the glut of content will ruin us all. This article from Marketing Profs measures content engagement over the past two years, and it’s not pretty. But it’s great data and worthy of some thought. Do we back off some? Start looking at quality more than quantity to achieve an equilibrium? Zen Marketing, if you will…

Bridging The Gap Between Sales & Marketing – Last week I was asked by a friend to sit in on a new kind of discussion. Pat Walsh is an experienced marketer who has also spent decades as a facilitator in a variety of professional environments. Pat’s recognition of a gap between sales and marketing is not groundbreaking, but his presentation and conversation techniques could be. I’m not sure if there are many others out there that have the chops to build this bridge in your organization. Check him out!


The Four Agreements – After much prompting by some friends, I bought this book and read it. I’m not a motivational, self help, incense burning kinda guy. But the author has been on Oprah for god’s sake!! I liked the book… it seems simple enough and I get the benefits of the behaviour he wants us to aspire to. But as I was reading I couldn’t help sifting out the kumbaya moments and applying these tenets to a business environment. I find that being impeccable with my word, not making assumptions, not taking anything personally, and always doing my best has made my business life a lot more palatable. It’s how I’d like to be going forward, and definitely how I’d like the people on my team to be.

Social Feeds: Why The Intern Can’t Do ItWe’ve all heard this… young people are native internet users so it’s logical that they should handle your social media postings. But there is much more to it, and Ed Lynes explains it succinctly and, dare I say, brilliantly.

One more thing… “Let us love winter, for it is the spring of genius” ~ Pietro Aretino… Nah! That didn’t warm me up either!

A Punch To The Gut

Young-girl-4dd0288086086_hiresA 15 year-old girl hung herself this week. And two days later her family had to make the awful decision to remove her from life support. She died.

I convey these details in a very blunt way, because a sad story like this should be delivered forcefully, shockingly. Like a punch to the gut.

I didn’t know her at all. I remember this girl and her sister from a few years back, joyfully running around on the soccer fields where I coach. She had a distinctive last name, so I also remember them both getting many awards at our yearly sports banquets. From reading her obituary this morning, I now know that she did other things well: singing, dancing, writing, softball, basketball, cheerleading, fishing… to name a few. By all accounts, she was an extremely intelligent and engaging young woman, with a very bright future.

Is “why” too simple a question to ask?

I’ve heard from some that she took her own life because she was bullied, but I’ve heard from others that it wasn’t that simple – how could it be? There can’t be just one reason for something like this. But I’ve seen stories on the news and read some online articles about cyber bullying. Like those other issues, we sometimes don’t realize there is a problem until it happens in your own backyard.

In the wake of this death so close to home, there have been calls for retribution against kids who bully other kids. People are asking for prosecution by the police, or a good old-fashioned ass-kicking. This saddens me as well. Criminal charges and jail time may be warranted, but little consolation to a grieving community and family. Violence to punish violence is just plain stupid… it’s not likely to save the next victim of bullying.

Google the word “bullying” and you may be shocked at the sheer volume of information that you find. A quick investigation revealed some very alarming statistics (

  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
  • Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University.
  • A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying. According the same study, 10 to 14-year-old girls may be at even higher risk for suicide.
  • According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying.
  • Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying.
  • Only 1 in 10 teens tells a parent if they have been a cyber-bully victim, and fewer than 1 in 5 cyber bullying incidents are reported to law enforcement

To me, these numbers are staggering. Worse still is that even though the amount of resources to battle this problem are increasing, the amount of incidents are climbing.

I found myself feeling very fortunate that both my sons’ teen years are behind them. But after thinking about it, why should I feel that they are safe?

So the big questions… What kind of world have we allowed to evolve? A world where some kids feel free to humiliate and degrade others? A world where a scared and scarred child believes that suicide is the logical way out?

Are we all so detached? I don’t have any answers, except to communicate with your kids.

This tragedy has prompted some of my friends with younger children to have some very honest conversations… with themselves and their kids. They were hard conversations… ending with pledges by the parents to always be there to help, and to pay attention to signs that a child is struggling.

There were also pledges by the kids to be honest and open about their problems, seeking help from parents about anything… no matter how weird or embarrassing.

And they also pledged to do no harm to themselves or others… to not take lightly the precious gift they have been given.

We can always do better. And I have some talking and listening to do.

Je ne suis pas Charlie


I am not Charlie Hebdo… for many reasons.

First… I blog. I write about whatever I want, whenever I want. If nothing strikes me as interesting or worthy of opinion, I don’t write. I’ve always said that I write for me, and don’t really care if anyone reads it. But I’d be lying if I didn’t get juiced when people comment on a post. I look at my “view” numbers with interest, but I maintain that this blog is really for my personal growth and education in the medium. So I answer to no one, and I personally determine the level of controversy I could possibly create with a post.

mfew5tp0igaf1ukkanvmI have given my opinion here and people have disagreed. And when I wrote some of those posts, I knew I would receive some flack. That’s okay… a little spirited conversation is good for the mind and soul. I’ve also steered clear of some subjects for a variety of reasons, mostly because I alone choose the battles I want to fight. I believe that purposely inflaming passion about certain volatile issues creates barriers for real communication. I’ve often held back commenting on social media posts because I could predict the response.

Finally, I never use Freedom of Speech as a justification for my behavior, or anyone else’s. I’ve seen that one wielded like sword lately. People need to really understand that right before they say that it protects them. And I certainly can’t say that I am protected by freedom of the press, because that isn’t what I do.

Charlie Hebdo is a business. Like any business, decisions are made with both eyes firmly focused on the bottom line. Unlike me, they care about their numbers. The readership courted by the owners, investors and advertisers is reflected in the cartoons and editorials they publish. Clearly, the financial success of this magazine is largely due to the level of controversy they create.

Again… I am not Charlie.

Terrorists entered the offices of Charlie Hebdo last week with one mission – to silence them. After years of perceived humiliation by the pens of editors and cartoonists, a minute percentage of the insulted acted on their anger. Two men stormed the offices, killing 12 people and wounding 11 others. Among the dead were a maintenance worker, a guest at a meeting, two police officers, and eight columnists/cartoonists – including editor Stéphane Charbonnier.

The cartoons published by Charlie Hebdo were frequently off-the-charts inflammatory. They attacked the teachings and icons of all religions, but concentrated heavily on Islam. Even the non-radical Muslim was justifiably insulted by some of the cartoon depictions of their prophet. What the cartoonists called satire, they called blasphemy. The insulted remained insulted as the editors continued to voice opinions they felt were guaranteed by the rights of a free press.

This is the main reason I am not Charlie.

1420733297778I admire a nice piece of satire. I admire using it to take on oppression, and to hopefully right wrongs. I fully support the notion of a free press, but I believe that right requires a certain amount of responsibility. My view of freedom of the press is the right to question and put forth challenging, intelligent opinions without fear of prosecution. But a free press has the responsibility to inspire, not incite. In many ways, Charlie Hebdo promoted as much hate as their targets. Editor Charbonnier gave this interesting quote to Le Monde newspaper in 2012 while discussing threats that had been made to him and the magazine. “What I’m about to say is maybe a little pompous,” he said, “but I’d rather die standing up than live on my knees.” That bravura is fine for him, but others were killed that day. I don’t forget who pulled the triggers, but Charbonnier gave no thought to putting others in harm’s way. He made decisions to go for the jugular when thoughtful, forceful commentary was probably a better course.

But that probably wouldn’t have sold as many magazines.

Of course, there is absolutely no excuse for this kind of retaliation. I’m sure that someday we all will learn that the killing of innocents is not a solution, but how many more have to die until we figure it out? It’s certainly a positive that so many people around the world have joined together to support the families of this tragic event… in peaceful, unifying demonstrations.

There is an extremely fine line between satire and hate. So before you slap that “Je suis Charlie” button on your chest, please take a close look at their cartoons. Real support of the right to a free press would be to denounce violence and killing with truth and inspiration.

Don’t be Charlie, be better than Charlie.

From Jordanian cartoonist Emad Hajjaj – a Muslim.


B-Musings – Simple Minds Edition

“B-Musings”… sharing random blurbiage and ping-pong balls rattling around my dome.  And a small homage to 80’s New Wave in my last post of 2014.

DoryDon’t You (Forget About Me) – On March 8th of this year, a Boeing 777-200ER airplane carrying 239 passengers and crew disappeared without a trace less than an hour after take-off from Kuala Lampur International Airport in Malaysia. Ten months later, investigators still have no clue where the plane could be or what happened. It is stunning that, given the technology we possess, a 209 foot long aircraft weighing over 304,000 pounds cannot be found. More stunning is that the entire incident is gone from our minds. Be honest!! You had completely forgotten until the AirAsia flight did the same disappearing act earlier this week.

It’s a misconception that “you can never have too much of a good thing”. The continual bombardment of information and media is finally causing sensory overload! I guess we have too many other things to think and talk about – work, family, racial unrest, the sad state of your favorite sports teams, or last night’s episode of Real Housewives of Boise.

Are we at cranial capacity? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” But don’t worry… I googled the words “information” and “overload”, and found thousands of websites!

Eagles-fans-paper-bagsGlittering Prize – Speaking of the sad state of sports… CODE BLUE, PHILADELPHIA!! Get the paddles out!! The Phillies are beginning a garage sale, the Flyers are the poster boys for inconsistency, the Sixers are in the dumper, and my Union is starting over for the third time in five years. It’s clear now that hopes for Eagles success is a mirage – Damn you, Chip Kelly for getting our hopes up with your dynamic offense!

So it will be a long wait for a trophy in Philly, fair weather fans. My hat is doffed to those that don’t jump off the bandwagon, supporting their teams in good times and bad. You few, you know who you are…

Alive and Kicking – Speaking of the Real Housewives… has television ever been better? (You may need to take a few minutes to recover from that sentence… but stay with me.) I watch a lot of TV, but I only have a few shows that I watch regularly. Most of my viewing time is spent on sports, soccer in particular. Lately, I’ve been checking out new programs recommended by friends… State of Affairs, Madame Secretary, House of Cards and others. Because of a recent deal with the devil (*cough* Comcast) I now have HBO and Showtime. So I’ve been binge watching some shows over the holidays – Homeland, True Detective, Silicon Valley, etc. This got me thinking about the quality of television these days. Again I ask… has television ever been better? I can’t remember a time when there were so many outstanding programs to choose from – more than anyone has time to watch.

TVYinYangBut Lucy and Ricky can relax… it’s not exactly the Golden Age of Television revisited. The yin to this yang resides in places like the Bravo network, and with the Kardashians, the Real Housewives franchises and the bottom feeding Honey Boo Boo! It was recently pointed out to me that mindless programs are sometimes needed in this world. After a tough day of work and the minute to minute inundation of information, it may be therapeutic to switch off and watch Bruce Jenner spiralling towards womanhood. And after two minutes of the Real Housewives of New Jersey, I do feel sooooo much better about myself.

The Chinese philosophy of opposite forces actually being complimentary may apply – like light causing shadows to exist. Is television excellence is balanced by shit reality programming? I’ll buy that for a dollar!

Sanctify Yourself – Speaking of unrest… I was sitting in my office early this morning playing shuffled songs from my iTunes list. “Sanctify Yourself” by the Simple Minds came on, and listening to the lyrics inspired me and helped add some much-needed order to this blog post. The 1985 song is about taking responsibility for your actions, and being positive in the things you put forth into the world.

What a fine message, given what is going on in our world today…

“Is this the age of the thunder and rage?
Can you feel the ground move ’round your feet?
If you take one step closer, it’ll lead to another.
The crossroad above is where we meet.
I shout out for shelter, I need you for something.
The whole world is out, they’re all on the street.
Control yourself, love is all you need.
Control yourself, in your eyes.
Sanctify yourself!”

Sanctify each other in 2015. Happy New Year to all… Peace and Love. Enjoy the music…