“And each man stands with his face in the light. Of his own drawn sword, ready to do what a hero can.” ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Self isolation meets unemployment… it has been frustrating! Yeah, job search has grinded to a halt, with the opportunities I’ve interviewed for on hold for near future. But with everything going on this world, I’m trying not dwell on my issues so much.
So I’ve been working on my side business to keep busy and make a little extra scratch. If you know a small business that needs some marketing help (see the cool Corona-like graphic and my clever play on their tagline), hit me up!
I’ve been catching up on some reading, trying to make a dent in the book queue on my iPad. Like everyone, I’ve been doing some binge-watching… so many good choices in this golden age of television! And I’ve been cooking dinner most nights, and no one has gotten ill.
Well, not yet.
The most satisfying thing about this life pause is that I’ve been writing – the oft-referenced and well hidden novel has been resurrected! Hoping to use this opportunity to be more consistent about that project, and writing overall.
Thus, the following random thoughts about our new normal, some blurbiage rattling around my dome.
Hoarding Jackass – Last week, clad in my most fashionable personal protective equipment, I made a quick run to my local Walmart. I kept track of my social distancing throughout the store – with only a few nods and one elbow bump – and respectfully observed the six-foot spaced stickers on the floor in the checkout line.
The “gentleman” in front of me was having none of that. He was pulling his cart (full of paper towels BTW), removing items from the front and placing them on the conveyor. While I was at a safe distance, he was standing inches away from the customer first in line. The cashier politely asked him to move back, and he declined with some harsh words. Then he looked back at me and mouthed, “What the fuck”, rolling his eyes. I formulated a few clever responses, but decided to avert my eyes left to access my Jack Links Beef Jerky flavor options.
Yeah, dude. What the fuck.
As I was checking out, the nice Walmart cashier said, “I’m sorry about that. We have to encourage people to stay apart when they are in line.” I responded, “Please don’t apologize to me. Some people just don’t get it.”
That may be the understatement of the century.
All I Wanna Do Is Zoom-A-Zoom Zoom Zoom – Damn! Wish I bought some Zoom stock a few months ago. That is all… LOL!
In the last month, Zoom has emerged as one of the leading tools to keep businesses up and running and have provided K-12 schools videoconferencing capabilities for free. And equally as vital, millions of people are keeping in touch with family and friends using this platform.
My Friday night Zoom call with my friends has become one of the highlights of my week, despite having to login every 40 minutes and our continued reliance on 30 year old jokes.
There’s also FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, and others. A much needed oasis in this dry desert… Do it!
The Distance, You Must – Yeah, I wanted to sound wise so I went with Yoda to state how shocked I am every day by the recklessness I see – in stores, playgrounds, or looking out my front door.
I picked up a pizza two weeks ago at a local shop that I love and have been patronizing for decades. I walked into very hot room with about twenty people close together flipping pizzas, working the grill and deep fryer, and the registers. Zero social distancing – so I’ll be skipping that shop for a few months… sad to say.
As I was driving home that same night, I saw teenagers hanging out in groups. Close together. Young couples holding hands. Boys rough-housing.
And this week I drove by a playground, with at least four families of kids running around, interacting, depositing germs and maybe a virus or two on the swings and slides. A few days later, I was thankful to see the city playgrounds padlocked.
What are these parents thinking? Are they thinking at all? YOU HAVE ONE JOB!
But to be clear, I’m not casting a huge net over all restaurants attempting to survive during this crisis. And when all of this is over, I will gleefully support these and other small businesses. While so many people are trying to help by patronizing when we can, they have a responsibility to us as well.
As do our neighbors. Putting it bluntly… while I don’t want any harm to come to you or your kids, I care about MY FAMILY. Stay the fuck home.
To me, it’s simple. When we look back on these weeks and months, some of us will remember the inconvenience and loss of income. And many of us will remember being sick. But most of us will remember death. The loss of neighbors, business associates, favorite musicians or actors, and friends and family.
More bluntness… sorry.
Welcome To A Crazy World – So if you haven’t stop reading, I’m not all gloom and doom today! My second grandchild was born two and a half weeks ago (more on him in a future blog post).
I am so happy he was delivered safe and healthy, and quickly discharged from the hospital in about 24 hours. I’m also very happy that my son and daughter-in-law are staying at home, and keeping both of their kids safely isolated.
For now, grandparents are allowed to visit sparingly and help, and that keeps me going. Puts a smile on my face. But while he is probably trending on social media, there are dozens of Aunts, Uncles, cousins and friends who want see him face-to-face, to hug him and to kiss him. To love him, and welcome him to our world.
And what a world it is.
As I was chatting with the previously mentioned cashier, she asked, “Did you ever think you would see something like this in your lifetime?”
Thoughts flashed through my head… about my wife’s grandmother talking about living during the depression. And my Mom telling me about hiding under tables when the Germans were bombing Belfast when she as a teenager. Then I thought about myself landing at the Atlanta airport when the first plane hit the World Trade Center on 9/11.
But this simple reply was all I could muster… “Nope. Nothing like this.”
Heroes, Forever and Ever – I posted some of this earlier in the week on social media, but I want to expand my thoughts.
I’ve always thought the word “hero” was over used, an honor sometimes too easily bestowed upon celebrities, athletes, or other people just doing the right thing. It is an exceptional word, and should be used to describe exceptional people.
My close friend is a C-level administrator at a Philadelphia area hospital. He has been working crazy hours and days to prepare for the tidal wave that is coming. When he comes home, he self-distances from his wife and family.
My wife works in surgeon’s office within a hospital, and she and her co-workers interact every day with other staff. They maintain social distancing and are safe. I’ve always said goodbye to her in the morning, but now I add “Be careful, be safe.”
It drives me nuts some days, trying to calculate the degrees of separation they both have from this virus. Wait… has anyone checked on Kevin Bacon?!
After those calculations, I am left with simple thoughts: He is my hero. She is my hero. They are my heroes.
I take some comfort that my wife and friend are not on the front lines, but I know dozens of doctors, nurses, orderlies, and first responders who are. So many are rising to that lofty level that I previously thought was, and should be, difficult to attain.
According to the scientists and the predictive models, they will be facing a storm. Some are already in it.
Because they must. Because they do. Because they are heroes.
To everyone on the front lines…
As with anything I write, I welcome your comments and spirited, respectful debate. And I wish you all safe passage in our new normal!