The Eye In Team

baseballWhen I was nine years old, I spent an entire summer visiting relatives in Colorado. It was there I first played in an organized sport… baseball, on a team sponsored by the Market Time Drug Store in Trinidad, CO. My memories are very vivid… the grey flannel uniform, maroon stirrup socks, and the green wooden dugouts on the fields. I also remember clearly that I was a terrible baseball player. I could throw and catch okay, but the bat was a useless piece of equipment in my small hands. I’m pretty sure that I did not hit the ball once that season – in practice or in games. But I do remember the experience fondly, and not just because of the cool uniform. Even though I was not a good player, the coaches encouraged me and always made me feel good about my place on the team.

The next summer I played at home, and the results weren’t much different. I was a little better – I actually swung the bat! I remember the last game of the season when I got my first hit… a single between short and third. My coach, Mr. Wallace, awarded me a game ball. I’m pretty sure each member of the team got a ball by the end of the season, but so what! It was the best day…

I kept playing, and thanks to some great coaches I ended up being a pretty solid ball player. Over six years, I was fortunate to play every position on the field at least once. I got to play in a couple all-star games, played travel baseball (not very prevalent in those days), and had one really fun championship season.

Club sports pretty much ended when you went high school, and I knew I wasn’t good enough to continue to my “career” at the next level. I vividly recall my last organized baseball game in July of 1974… a playoff loss at some far away field. It was a weird, sad feeling. Later, I played some organized sports in various leagues – foot and roller hockey, softball, etc. But those experiences lacked the structure, color and richness of my memories of youth baseball.

Fast forward twenty-five years or so, and I am watching my son’s first t-ball game. I was particularly proud seeing him in his t-shirt and cap, knowing that he could be beginning a great experience. I was right… for a few years he played baseball, basketball and soccer. I was so happy to pitch in and help out with coaching. I think I wanted to be involved because I recalled the positive experiences I had as a boy.

Ryan-Judge 001When my son was about nine years old, he decided that he only wanted to play soccer… and I jumped into it with both feet (PUN!). It was great for both of us, mostly because we learned and fell in love with the game at the same time. He played through high school, and even worked as a referee for a few years. All in all, mission accomplished. He had a very positive experience.

I’ve been a coach and administrator for youth sports for over twenty years now. I have been privileged to learn from, and coach with, some great people. I’ve met some fantastic kids and watched some of them reach some fantastic heights – high school state championships and college scholarships.

I always tried to remember how my coaches taught me. Though the sports may be different, the principles for succeeding are the same – teamwork, respect, and fair play. Lessons that seem to be lost on a lot of parents these days…

Perspective lacks with some people.  I’ve seen some crazy behavior from parents at practices and games. I have way too many stories of adults applying too much pressure on their kids, or berating their performances after games. And I’ve seen dozens of talented young athletes lose interest in playing because of overbearing parents.

There is a value for kids playing team sports that cannot be quantified. The simple act of working together to achieve a goal is invaluable experience to have later in life. Equally valuable are the lessons learned from not achieving that goal. Coaches – and parents – need to realize that the real goal is a positive, fun learning experience for the kids.

I coached one soccer team for eleven years – from U-9 to U-19. Over the years, that added up to fifty players, give or take. Between the teams we played frequently and the high school and tournament games, I estimate that I’ve known and/or observed over five hundred players in that time… maybe more. For some perspective, that group produced a handful of Division 1 college players, and one professional player.

But that same group contains a bunch of fantastic young men and women right now, whose future successes won’t be measured by the results of a game. It will be in a bank, or a hospital, or a police station, or… wherever. I wonder if they will realize that some part of that success can be credited to lessons learned years ago. As a kid playing on a team.

And I hope that one day, they will pass it along.

This post is dedicated to some of my coaches: Jim Wallace, Joe Hall, Frank Velucci, Jerry Dittmar, Bill Dolhansky, Mike McGuire, Joe Johns, and Harry Hampson. Many, many thanks!

Coach Johns (Standing Left), Coach Hampson (Standing Right), Author (Seated, Second from Right)


A Damn Good Week

_DSC0027This had all the makings of a shitty week.

I departed last Monday on a four-day road trip for work, driving south for meetings with six customers in Virginia. As I’ve gotten older, I dread trips like these… three different hotels in three nights, lots of car time and traffic. I don’t sleep well in hotels, and too much crappy restaurant food gets old.

People who don’t travel for business on a regular basis think it is glamorous and fun, and sometimes it can be. And I am grateful for the benefits – hotel points and frequent flier miles. I don’t complain much because I’ve been fortunate to travel all over the world and experience great things. This week was a good one…

Any trip through Virginia gives me the opportunity to visit with an old friend. Mike and I grew up on the same street, but really didn’t become friends until the summer before seventh grade. In those days, young kids didn’t wander far from home, and Mike’s house around the corner might as well have been ten miles away. His home atmosphere was much different from my conservative household, and his family had the perfect combination of cute sisters and a younger brother we could pick on together. So I spent a lot of time there. newspaper_readersCritical to the development of our friendship was our mutual discovery of the girls our age blossoming during that summer. It was a magical time…

We went in separate directions after high school, but remained in contact. I was an usher for his wedding, and he was for mine. We started families within months of each other. When Mike and his family moved to Virginia, they welcomed us for numerous visits. We usually talk on each other’s birthday – much easier for him to remember because his daughter was born on mine. And since his wife and I are Facebook freakazoids, we keep up with all of the family news.

Dinner with Mike this week was great as usual, cranking out multiple laughs and stories. We caught each other up on our kids, Philly sports, and our friends from back in the day. We had a good chuckle that we were both sporting Rite Aid bought 3x reading glasses. And we had a cathartic chat about our childhood friend Pudge, who passed away a couple of months ago.

IMG_2446We also talked about his Mom, who is now experiencing early stages of dementia. Marilyn has been living near Mike in Virginia for years now, and has entered an assisted living community as her condition has grown worse. Growing up, she was like a second Mom to me. She remains someone I admire very much. When we were young, she was very active in the community and city politics. She also worked with mentally challenged adults for many years. Most of all, she was smart and funny, and respected people – including us kids… adult behavior we were not used to in the seventies.

I was fortunate to get some free time the next day for a visit with this wonderful woman. We chatted for an hour about her life today, her family, and the old days back in Philly. She was pretty sharp for most of the conversation, but I could see her struggle a bit staying focused on her thoughts. And she did repeat herself a few times. But she remembered who I was through the entire hour, and I think the conversation made her happy that morning. It did much more for me.

Both of those visits gave me the energy and positive vibes to power through the rest of my grueling trip. It also gave me a lot of stuff to think about, some items to mentally organize… families, friends, neighborhoods, kids, life, mortality, priorities… just to name a few.

My business trip was a success, but the real wins were measured in conversations, smiles and laughs. We all scored well.

It was a damn good week. Can’t wait to do it again.

Death By Replay

I’m increasingly disturbed by a problem I see in professional sports. I used to think that it was a uniquely American issue, but I’ve seen it internationally as well. And I think it will ultimately ruin our sports.

joyce-galarraga-shaking-handsIn June of 2010, Detroit Tigers pitcher Armando Galarraga’s bid for a perfect game was ended one out short when first base umpire Jim Joyce incorrectly ruled that Indians batter Jason Donald reached first base safely on a ground ball.

The umpire was tearful and apologetic when he learned of his mistake. The pitcher was forgiving, ironically telling reporters that “nobody’s perfect”. The next day, Galarraga delivered the line-up card to Joyce at home plate, triggering a wonderful moment of class and sportsmanship by both men.

Today, that call would have been challenged with video replay and overturned. Justifiably, Galarraga would have his perfect game. I’m sure that both he and Jim Joyce would be happy with that. But we would have been denied this great story, which is bigger, better and more enduring than any perfect game.

It is a valid argument that plays on the field should be called correctly. But I think that is less important when the quality of the overall product suffers because of play stoppages and general slowing of the game.

For decades, there has been a collision of sports and technology. Advances like high-definition video and digital recording have certainly improved the fan experience, at home and on the massive screens at the stadium. And the amount of sports programming available every day is staggering. Fans of every sport have reaped these benefits.

Confused-Replacement-Referee-21The introduction of video replay has created a sort of dependency by game officials. There is nothing that bothers me more than officials afraid to make a tough call. How many times have two or more referees been left waiting for the other to make a decision? They are afraid of being vilified or, in some cases, losing income through lack of future employment.

Today’s athletes are stronger and quicker, and game plays happen faster than ever before. Game officials cannot keep up with the pace of some sports, and it is blatantly unfair for them to be judged against what is seen by ten different HD, super-slow-motion replays. Even after that, sometimes the pundits can’t agree on the correct call. How can we expect the referee on the field to get it right 100% of the time?

Simply put, we can’t.

refviolenceThe underlying issue is that there is just too much at stake. Millions of dollars hang in the balance on every play – potential advertising, player salaries, corporate sponsorships, etc. Let’s not forget legal and illegal gambling. The amount riding on these outcomes cannot be calculated. Officiating will continue to decline as qualified individuals will not want to expose themselves to that kind of scrutiny, and in some countries… danger.

We may have lost our perspective. This past summer, I was flipping channels and landed on one of the countless preliminary games of the Little League World Series. There was a stoppage of the game for a video replay. In Little League. For 12 year olds. Seriously? At what point does the need to get it exactly right outweigh our capacity to enjoy the game?

I offer no solutions, just concerns.  A method to upgrade officiating must be found, without ruining the sport. It’s a delicate balance. Inaction could be a death knell… when fan bases dwindle as the pace of events become slower, more robotic.

If we remove the human element from sport, we run the danger of removing the humanity. Humans make mistakes. Mistakes are part of life, teachable moments that can lead to truly wondrous events. As a fan of sport, I don’t really care about the dollars involved. But I am certainly in the minority.

Perhaps we need to concern ourselves less about stadium naming rights, and get back to the point where your favorite team winning gave you that one really great thing… bragging rights.

Some Road Stories


People who don’t travel for business think it is glamorous, but the reality is that it mostly adds up to hundreds of so-so restaurants and ugly hotel rooms. I’m not saying I didn’t have some fun times and see some great things during my travels. Here are a few of my stories…

Chasing JFK – When I was travelling a lot, I would actually be in great locations about one in ten trips. Most of the trips were to small cities and towns, and getting there required a couple of planes and a long car ride. One of those was a three-day stay in Heber Springs AR, a small lakeside town that comes alive during the summer. However, my three-hour car ride brought me into the town’s very vacant Holiday Inn on a Sunday night in February.

39On the second day, I decided to take a drive around to see what’s what… something I did in most towns I visited. I discovered the Greer’s Ferry Dam and the lake it made, surrounded that day by beautiful but empty vacation homes. I learned that the dam was completed in 1962, and a plaque told me that it was dedicated in October of 1963 by President John F. Kennedy… his last major public appearance before Dallas, on November 22, 1963.

A few months later I travelled to Dallas, and went to Dealey Plaza. I was on the sidewalk, looking at the “X” in the street noting the spot where the President was fatally shot. I stood by the fence on the grassy knoll, and saw the viewpoint of the rumored second shooter. I looked in all directions from the spot where Abraham Zapruder shot his famous film footage. And I peered out the window of the Texas School Book Depository, with the same view that Oswald had that day.

Being Irish and Catholic, the President was a big deal in our family. My earliest childhood memory was the funeral on TV, and the somber mood of our home. I remember telling my Mom about both of these trips… about closing that loop, if you will.

In his speech at Greer’s Ferry Dam, President Kennedy said, “I take pride in coming here today. I know that 10 years from now, if we come back again, flying as we did over the land, that we will see an even richer State, and I think you can take pride and satisfaction in what you have done.”

That never happened.

Hotel Secrets – Years ago, I figured out that one of the best ways to get a good hotel room deal is to book through a convention. When I travel to a big city, I go to the convention center website and book a room through whatever organization is in town during my stay. I got some really great deals on hotels in Las Vegas, New Orleans and Orlando over the years, even during peak tourist seasons.

AKAShow organizers never check room reservations against those registered for a convention, so I’ve piggy-backed into some great deals using events like martial arts championships, car dealer conventions, rodeos, etc.

My crowning achievements were booking rooms during a gynecologist conference in Las Vegas (registered as “Doctor” Langan), and the North Atlantic Regional Conference of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority – the nation’s first Greek-letter sorority for women of color. It was a great two days at the Borgata in Atlantic City, hanging with my “sisters”!

The Nighttime, Sniffling, Sneezing… Blah Blah Blah – During the first year I was travelling, the longest I had been on a plane was four hours. So you can imagine my trepidation about an upcoming trip from Los Angeles to Australia – a whopping seventeen hours! I had never used medicinal sleep aids, but I asked my doctor for help. He suggested, with a wry smile, that I have a cocktail when I get to the airport. Then when I’m on the plane, have another. And when I’m ready to go to sleep, take a normal dose of NyQuil.

simpsonsSo I did the cocktail portion… obviously easy. An hour into the flight, the cabin lights dim for the in-flight movie – the same crap film that I watched on my way to L.A. the day before! Time for the NyQuil to work its magic, so I down my shot and close my eyes.

When I woke up and saw the movie credits scrolling, I was so pissed that I thought I was going to explode. It took a few minutes to get my bearings, and discover from a fellow passenger that I was seeing the credits for the FOURTH movie – and one of them was “Titanic”! My sore back and stiff neck confirmed that I had been sleeping for almost ten hours, and that sweet, cherry elixir was the reason why!

Although I was still annoyed that I had missed Leo and Kate, I learned a valuable lesson that day – I always have some NyQuil ready for those long flights. You should too… I have P&G stock!

Travelogue – I’ve done a lot of business travel over the years, mostly between 1995 and 2001. I was on the road about forty weeks per year during that period and it was a tough grind. But I look back now at those trips and I’m very grateful to have been afforded the opportunity and trust from the company I worked for… not to mention the loads of frequent flyer miles and hotel points!

Taken by John Langan – after much PhotoShop…

Thus far (with personal and business travel), I’ve spent at least one night in 46 of our 50 states and visited nine other countries. I did go to a bunch of very small towns, and some gave me some neat experiences… seeing Boot Hill in Dodge City, touring the Louisville Slugger plant and the Jack Daniels distillery in Lynchburg, TN. I’ve been to sporting venues and events all over the country, including two U.S. Opens, a few times at the Masters and a surfing championship at Hawaii’s Bonzai Pipeline.

And I’ve had some completely astounding, moving moments… sitting on the steps of the Sydney Opera House, gazing at Monet’s Water Lilies at Musée de l’Orangerie in Paris, and solemnly standing above the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor… a place I wanted to see since I was a boy.

At each of these places, I have asked myself… “How did I get here?” I don’t take for granted that I have been very fortunate… to see so much of our beautiful country, in this wonderful world. But there is more to see, and other stories to tell.

A Punch To The Gut

Young-girl-4dd0288086086_hiresA 15 year-old girl hung herself this week. And two days later her family had to make the awful decision to remove her from life support. She died.

I convey these details in a very blunt way, because a sad story like this should be delivered forcefully, shockingly. Like a punch to the gut.

I didn’t know her at all. I remember this girl and her sister from a few years back, joyfully running around on the soccer fields where I coach. She had a distinctive last name, so I also remember them both getting many awards at our yearly sports banquets. From reading her obituary this morning, I now know that she did other things well: singing, dancing, writing, softball, basketball, cheerleading, fishing… to name a few. By all accounts, she was an extremely intelligent and engaging young woman, with a very bright future.

Is “why” too simple a question to ask?

I’ve heard from some that she took her own life because she was bullied, but I’ve heard from others that it wasn’t that simple – how could it be? There can’t be just one reason for something like this. But I’ve seen stories on the news and read some online articles about cyber bullying. Like those other issues, we sometimes don’t realize there is a problem until it happens in your own backyard.

In the wake of this death so close to home, there have been calls for retribution against kids who bully other kids. People are asking for prosecution by the police, or a good old-fashioned ass-kicking. This saddens me as well. Criminal charges and jail time may be warranted, but little consolation to a grieving community and family. Violence to punish violence is just plain stupid… it’s not likely to save the next victim of bullying.

Google the word “bullying” and you may be shocked at the sheer volume of information that you find. A quick investigation revealed some very alarming statistics (

  • Suicide is the third leading cause of death among young people, resulting in about 4,400 deaths per year, according to the CDC. For every suicide among young people, there are at least 100 suicide attempts. Over 14 percent of high school students have considered suicide, and almost 7 percent have attempted it.
  • Bully victims are between 2 to 9 times more likely to consider suicide than non-victims, according to studies by Yale University.
  • A study in Britain found that at least half of suicides among young people are related to bullying. According the same study, 10 to 14-year-old girls may be at even higher risk for suicide.
  • According to statistics reported by ABC News, nearly 30 percent of students are either bullies or victims of bullying, and 160,000 kids stay home from school every day because of fear of bullying.
  • Over half of adolescents and teens have been bullied online, and about the same number have engaged in cyber bullying.
  • Only 1 in 10 teens tells a parent if they have been a cyber-bully victim, and fewer than 1 in 5 cyber bullying incidents are reported to law enforcement

To me, these numbers are staggering. Worse still is that even though the amount of resources to battle this problem are increasing, the amount of incidents are climbing.

I found myself feeling very fortunate that both my sons’ teen years are behind them. But after thinking about it, why should I feel that they are safe?

So the big questions… What kind of world have we allowed to evolve? A world where some kids feel free to humiliate and degrade others? A world where a scared and scarred child believes that suicide is the logical way out?

Are we all so detached? I don’t have any answers, except to communicate with your kids.

This tragedy has prompted some of my friends with younger children to have some very honest conversations… with themselves and their kids. They were hard conversations… ending with pledges by the parents to always be there to help, and to pay attention to signs that a child is struggling.

There were also pledges by the kids to be honest and open about their problems, seeking help from parents about anything… no matter how weird or embarrassing.

And they also pledged to do no harm to themselves or others… to not take lightly the precious gift they have been given.

We can always do better. And I have some talking and listening to do.