Glance Links – April 2014









Just some stuff that caught my eye recently, and might help you in your marketing efforts! If you have any that you would like to pass on to me… hit me up!

Internet-Addiction-Social-MediaSocial Media For Increased Mental Health – Many thanks to Chuck Hall from SoMeBizLife for sharing this article that examines the positive and negative effects of social media, specifically Facebook. Chuck used this article as a discussion point in a recent seminar, and I’m sure it really got the conversation off and running. What are your thoughts?

Some Thoughts on the Imminent Demise of Google+ – Three words… “It ain’t happening!” I’ve recently been beating the streets about the wonders of this platform, which I think is extremely worthwhile for the search boost alone. The recent resignation announcement of Google+ champion Vic Gundotra has set the interwebs abuzz with panic. Two of my purple haired friends (not saying I have many), Lynette Young and Cecily Kellogg, recently shared how fantastic articles on the subject. The common theme is DON’T PANIC. Here are the two articles they shared:

The Power of FailingWhat do the world’s greatest entrepreneurs have in common? The courage to fail. Checkout this article and discover why failure is the ultimate driving force behind genius.

failingThe Experts Speak – The most common question I hear from small businesses interested in social media is, “Where do I start?” Here is some great information from the email marketing site, Constant Contact… 50 Expert Tips for Getting Started in Social Media. It’s cool that I know some of these people, including one of the aforementioned purple haired friends

Spring has sprung. May it bring to you many exciting ideas… JL

Get Acquainted


“Surround yourself with creative people. Dammit…” ~ Epitaph of John J. Langan  (1960-2060)

In October 2007, when filling out my Facebook profile for the first time, and with my tongue firmly in cheek, I stated that my Political Views were “Conservative, But Willing to Learn”.

I was quite the joker six and half years ago…

I’ve had a bit of a journey since then, especially in the last couple of years. Nothing earth shattering and don’t get me wrong – I’m still the brash, opinionated asshole that my family and friends have come to know and love. But over these years I’ve left my mind open to new ideas that have certainly changed me. Most of the credit goes to my sons, who are more open than I ever was at their ages. It must be a generational thing. And I’ve been shaped by my friends… who are in greater numbers because of social media and a conscious decision to allow time for them.

More friends? That used to be my question. “Why do I need more friends when I don’t have time for the ones I want to see?” What a stupid thing to say…  In the past few years I have discovered such richness and variety of life because I have opened myself to more people. Not everyone can be your close friend, but I no longer place any limits on acquaintances. I’ve been fortunate to have travelled to many places in the world, but lately I’ve been more interested in meeting people and hearing their thoughts. “Where” doesn’t matter, it’s the moment that counts.

Opening yourself to new thoughts can’t help but change you. I’ve altered my thinking on so many things in the past few years… from conservative to liberal (maybe not all the way). Simple things like not keeping score in youth sports so we can teach the fundamentals, to stricter gun control laws, to gay rights, and for god’s sake… Let’s make love, not war! Take care of your fellow man, man…

And there are life lessons… In the past couple of years quite a few people I know have passed on. Some were acquaintances, some slightly more than that, and some were family and friends that I loved very dearly. It happens that we all go through stretches of attending funerals. That’s life, and we have no choice but to accept it. Loss, like any experience, shapes and changes you. And it creates a void that must be filled with new experience. With people!

562187_10150691436993494_214597061_nMy mantra is “Surround yourself with creative people.” Seek them out… lots of them. Interact! For this, quantity beats quality.

I can’t predict how much time I have left on this earth, but I do know that the bulk of my time is behind me. I’m sure my sons are shuddering at the thought of their 104 year-old Dad passing gas in their living room. I still want to travel and experience things and events, but going forward the true richness of life will be with my family and friends. And lots of acquaintances!

And that’s living, my friends…

Glance Links – February 2014

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Just some stuff that caught my eye recently, and might help you in your marketing efforts! If you have any that you would like to pass on to me… hit me up!

pro_laptopemail_275x185Six Social Media Tips That Will Improve Your Marketing – You’ll slap yourself on the head when you read some of these completely random, unique social media tips.

5 Steps to Writing an Amazing LinkedIn Recommendation – I’ll be honest… LinkedIn endorsements annoy me. For the last two years, many click-happy people have been gleefully endorsing me for skills that I do not possess. I don’t like to shop, so my endorsements for Retail and Merchandising were quite a surprise. I put much more stock into a LinkedIn “recommendation”. Because of the quid pro quo aspect of social media, I know I better write some to get some. Check out this link for some great info.

Real World Education for Modern Marketers – Like some of my favorite sites (AWeber, Marketo), MarketingProfs provides tons of outstanding free content on a wide variety of marketing subjects. Peruse the site, you’ll be glad you did.

Navigating the Social Media Jungle – If you look past the cartoonish appearance, Social Media Examiner helps businesses discover how to best use social media, blogs and podcasts to connect with customers. Simple… Best thing to do is subscribe to the newsletter to get it all in your inbox, but dig into the site for some nuggets.

ffb11958Too Much Fun With Fonts – Lastly, have some fun today. Here are some very familiar, free fonts from famous brands like Coca-Cola, Walt Disney, The Godfather movies, Calvin and Hobbes, etc. So jazz up that condo community newsletter you’ve been working on!

My life has been ice and snow lately, and lots of it! GIMME MORE!!! Stay warm, my friends… JL


Glance Links – December 2013


Just some stuff that caught my eye recently, and might help you in your marketing efforts!  If you have any that you would like to pass on to me… hit me up!


14 Google Tools You Didn’t Know Existed – Mashable has rounded up some lesser-known Google tools and applications that could help you cope with the loss of Reader, and rekindle your love for Google. From fun tools like Google NGram Viewer to useful resources like Full Value of Mobile Calculator, you’ll find an array of tools for developers to small business owners to the average consumer. I liked Google Fonts… a great open source for all kinds of type faces. Check them out and see what tickles your fancy!

10 Things You Didn’t Know Dropbox Could Do – There are loads for Dropbox lovers out there… me included! As with most software or services, we never fully take advantage of what’s offered. There are other storage and upload options, and ease of use hints. Love me some Dropbox!

google-plus-banner-300x168Google+ For Professional Bloggers and Content Creators – If you want to be the best, learn from the best! Lynette Young is THE authority on Google+, and she is satisfying the public outcry for real boot camp training on this social platform. This one is in the Philadelphia area, check back for an event near you.

Marketo Definitive Guides – Last month I shared Marketo’s Definitive Guide To Engaging Email Marketing, an outstanding, comprehensive free download. They have many more titles and they are all in here in one spot! Like I said last time… Download them before they change their minds!!

TAKE A BREAK FROM MARKETING AND RELAX! – Might be the best tip I give you… flip the switch to “off” for a few hours and enjoy some holiday fun. Here is the schedule for Holiday TV Shows this month!

Have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

Glance Links – September 2013


Just some stuff that caught my eye recently, and might help you in your marketing efforts!  If you have any that you would like to pass on to me… hit me up!

social-media-managementAre Your Employees Socially Illiterate? –  I hope not. Social Media policies are a must, both as part of your marketing plan and to set employee expectations. As this article suggests, there is an ignored “potential of socially literate employees who use these tools and services to increase their own competence and thus the competence of the business.” Trust in them, and allow your employees to truly be part of your brand.

Public Speaking: The Chili Con Queso Test –  Need a speaker? Sure… I’m your huckleberry! I’ll say anything to anyone about anything. Sign me up!! But some of the most seasoned pros have some angst about public speaking. While these six tips froGini Dietrich may be obvious, she packages them nicely in a great, mouth-watering article. This is one worth referring back to, again and again.

Six Week LinkedIn Lesson –  You’re checking people out, so you better assume that people are checking on you… get your personal brand together. I love this article and so will you.  Follow these steps and get your LinkedIn ship together.

All The Guides In One Place –  I may have a bit of a man crush on AWeberPeriodically, they will publish guides on various aspects of email marketing. They are excellent, containing great tips and tricks for many businesses. Here they are archived in one place… for free. If you do email marketing, this site is for you.

Keep learning, my friends… and now it’s back-to-school time. Summer, I barely got to know you…  JL