B-MUSINGS… Cool August Night Edition

“B-Musings”… random blurbiage and ping pong balls rattling around my dome.  Why?  Because I can, and I have a blog!


Beachin’ It – In a previous post, I mentioned my new found longing to be at the beach. It hasn’t waned. Fortunately I was able to get to the shore a couple of weeks ago and quench that thirst. My friends know that I am not one to stay at the beach for more than an hour… two tops. So the 10 hours over two days I spent sitting on the sand was a revelation. Granted, I was blessed with the right mix of great weather and great company… the perfect storm. It also came at the right time, in what has been a very hectic few months.

I’m going back next week, to plop my ass on that chair again. Can’t wait… I seem to be a poster boy for change lately, and I have to say I’m enjoying it.  Look out, fudgy wudgy man…

Culling the Facebook Herd – I like to go into my social media contacts periodically, and “unfriend” some people and places with whom I no longer interact. Recently I cleaned out a bunch of brands, bands, movies and other assorted “Likes”. Alas, I also jettisoned about 10 people who have thus far failed to enrich my social media experience. But as I was going through the exercise I came to four Facebook friends who are deceased. Obviously I was aware of them in my list, and each had very different levels of friendship for me. It’s nice that friends and family still drop comments on their pages for birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, etc.

So… those four will remain. Until I see them again.

The Soccer Supporter Mentality – I spend a decent amount of time explaining this concept to my non-soccer friends, so I thought I would throw it out for some comments. I fully expect Philadelphia Union striker and rising star Jack McInerney to be playing somewhere else next year, and I’m okay with it. If he moves to Europe, he will develop faster and better than in MLS. And that is good for U.S. Soccer, the priority.

Unlike any other sport, the true fan places country over club.  I think it is the best way to go, we support our national team first, then we have favorite domestic and/or overseas club teams… and we are rabid about all of them!!!  For me… USMNT, then Union, then Manchester United. The goal is always to fortify the national squad. Nuff said…

photo1Wedding of the Century – I often call Joe O’Hagan my faux cousin, when in fact he is my oldest and dearest friend. Our Moms were best friends growing up in Belfast, and travelled to America together on the Mayflower (well… that’s what they led us to believe).  So Joe, myself, his and my sisters grew up as cousins. He’s been a swinging bachelor for all these years until the fair Jennifer finally lassoed him to the ground. When I got news of their pending nuptials I expected an epic event, and was not disappointed.

It was a grand day, epic in its tradition and simplicity. I was honored to be asked to do a reading at the traditional Catholic ceremony, and I delivered it with my usual panache. The reception was held at the same classic venue that hosted my Senior Prom 35 years ago, and the place hasn’t changed one bit! The flashback feeling was aided by a great DJ who played Sinatra and other standards during dinner, and pulled out all the classic wedding reception dance hits… “Celebrate good times, come on!!” Joe’s nephew gave what might have been the greatest best man toast ever, and the newly married couple danced to an absolutely perfect song choice – the beautiful “At Last” by Etta James.

It truly was an epic event. All that was missing was a whiskey sour fountain and the garter / bouquet tossing, omitted I assume because of the groom – throwing anything is dangerous at his advanced age. But there were four other things missing… Joe and Marie, and Bunty and James. No doubt they would have been delighted that after a half century we are all still together.  Real family… no faux, mofo.

Good times, good people, good craic.


Meet Herb… Official “Face” of the B-Musing Blog Post.  Are you B-Mused now? A-Mused? Both?

Let me know by commenting below… Herb needs to know!!!

Grapes Makin’ Waves

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“The vine bears three kinds of grapes: the first of pleasure, the second of intoxication, the third of disgust.” – Diogenes

In a few days I will be travelling to North Wildwood, NJ for what has become an annual pilgrimage.  My high school holds a fundraiser at the shore, inviting close to fifty years worth of graduates to gather for a big party.  It’s a hot time, packed with alumni and former teachers reconnecting.  The motto of our school is In Vite Mane, Latin for “Remain On The Vine”.  It fits… the idea is that everyone who has ever been a part of the school is connected, like grapes on a vine.

A lot of these grapes go to every reunion, planning their vacations so they can attend.  But each year I see someone new, someone I haven’t seen for many years.  This will be my fourth shore reunion, and it’s always a great night.  It is THE summer event.

Old friendships are a funny thing.  That common ground we walked over thirty years ago is warm and familiar.  And even though that vine of life separated us at some point, we are basically the same people.  If you were fun and friendly then, you still are now.  And if you were an asshole then, well… “So good to see you!!”

Recent Ryan High School graduates are all still connected through social media, so maybe this event will not be so popular in future years.  Some of us older Raiders and Ragdolls are social-active too, and I think that is part of the reason this gathering has grown so much in recent years.  While interest and attendance may have peaked, I hope to see this event continue to grow and remain vital.  Nothing beats seeing that person, talking face to face, and giving hugs.  Yes, I’m a hugger… prepare thyself.

The closest friendships I have today were cemented in that very town of Wildwood.  That rite of passage known as Senior Week forged my personal vine after graduation in 1978.  While most of us were friendly acquaintances going into that week, it all changed there and then.  Now… after marriages, divorces, kids, and – coming soon – kids getting married… the core group is still together.  Not as often as we’d like, but as often as we can.

Of the people in the above photo from Senior Week ’78 at the Red Garter (that’s me on the bottom left), I know I will see Ness and Laff this weekend.  But I also hope to see Matty, Franny, Novo, Lumpy, Scull, Clifton, Dick, Pomo and the Businessman.  To the OCD people who are counting heads… yes, there is one guy whose name escapes me.  Not bad recall after 35 years, is it?

Flashing forward, these shore reunions have rekindled relationships that I cherish and know will be with me forever.  It must be something about Wildwood.  Too much heat, and too much of Diogenes’ first two kinds of grape… from that vine, I guess.

531501_10151149258424458_1002822868_nLast year it was great to have my son, and fellow Ryan grad, attend his first shore reunion.  I got to meet and hang with a few of his friends and former teachers, and had the great pleasure of introducing him to a few of my Ryan grapes.  As a bonus I was “privileged” to pick up his drink tab for the night… not a pittance!

I’m looking forward to a couple of days filled with great conversation and renewals of friendship.  Plus some beach time that I sorely need!! As most know… I love to laugh, talk, tell stories… and occasionally I do like to have a cocktail.  This weekend will be all of that – times ten!  It will be fun, exhausting and probably very hot.

Hot is fine… nothing grows wilder and sweeter in the heat than grapes, on the vine.

B-MUSINGS… Wet Summer Edition

I hope to do this type of post periodically… “B-Musings” will be some random blurbiage and brain misfires that I have to get out of my head. Because I can make up words, and I have a blog, and you don’t!

babble_on_300Hollywood Babble On – My son John recently turned me on to this podcast with Kevin Smith and Ralph Garman. Typically a two-hour long penis joke, Smith and Garman have a great time skewering celebs like Lohan, Beiber and the Kardashians, and anyone else who dares to cross their path. Solid entertainment, and good for at least 7 or 8 laughs that are bigger than Liam Neeson’s c&%k! (You’ll get that joke if you listen.) Check it out – it’s free!!

Mid-Week Holidays – Blow.

Hey! Phillies Fans – The season is over. I love optimism but it’s getting a little ridiculous. Stop trying to compare this team to the World Series team… FROM FIVE YEARS AGO!! It’s not fair to them, and more than a little delusional. And I love ya, Charlie. But it’s fond farewell time…

Roster Limit – More baseball talk, but not really… I used to joke that the worst thing about getting older is that you can’t find enough guys to get a game of baseball going. Think about it. When we were kids we had plenty of players for a full 9 on 9 game. When we hit our twenties, not so much. Now, getting older means that my sons aren’t around as much. We are going to my sisters for what I’m sure will be a great barbecue… food, sun and fun at Casa Taylor. No con hijos. Empty Nesters Day is still a few years down the road, but getting closer. So when we are all together, I’m cherishing it a little more.946524_646897272006089_302100249_n

Life’s A Beach – I’ve never been a fan of the beach. But lately I’ve been thinking a lot about the shore, and really want to go there more often. Last weekend I enjoyed a great day on the Wildwood beach, watching sand soccer and chatting with a bunch of old friends. I’m being drawn in, and I’m not sure why. Maybe I’m changing, and need some new stuff. Think I’ll look online for one of those metal detectors… Powerball has been a big disappointment.

My Simple Take On Edward Snowden – Some call him a hero and a whistle-blower. I call him a traitor because he broke the law. And it’s that simple… he broke the law. Many are fired up because of the information about the NSA having access to our phone and emails. Guess what? They probably have access to a lot more than that. And if they use this information to protect the lives of Americans at home and abroad… bravo! I have nothing to hide. Do you?

U_S_-Declaration-Reproduction-ImageSpeaking Of Traitors – Here’s something you’re not used to seeing on my page… great, great writing:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

Happy 4th of July, my friends.